Top 7 Misconceptions About Remote Teams That Come to Life in 2020


It is a fact that Remote working may be the norm in the coming years. The average worker does telecommuting at least twice a month.  Close to fifty percent of the telecommuters commute during the workday.  Many of the telecommuters feel that they are as productive as the other employees.

As per the 2015 Gallup’s annual Work and Education poll, U.S workers have been telecommuting and this is the reality.  There have been debates about whether it is advantageous to a worker’s productivity or not.   Major part of Americans feel that irrespective of whether one is employed or not, they feel that they are productive irrespective of telecommuting or not.  Close to 56 percent feel that working Secure Remote Access is productive, 24 percent opine that telecommuting to work is productive and the remaining 18 percent feel that they are not as productive. Opinions vary for sure.

The Harvard Business Review’s study conducted a research and found that people volunteered and chose to work from home for close to ten months. Fifty percent of the volunteers were okay to telecommute and the rest remained in the office as a control group.  Employees who worked from home were definitely much more effective as compared to the employees who went to the office.  Also, work from home employees did not even feel that they needed to quit their jobs.  This brings us to the fact that working from home in our pyjamas and in the comfort zone of our homes is going to be productive and is it going to outweigh the productivity.  It is definitely going to save money to companies by way of renting out space, office furniture, electricity, water, cafeteria costs and many other overhead expenses.

Choosing the right software for your company like Work Examiner will help you save a lot of man hours and productive hours with regards to your employees. This client server application that is installed in the corporate environment will aid in many ways.  Right from collecting the activity data to applying filtering options this software will be of aid.  It is possible to capture the real time view of the activities of the user on their computers. Live screenshots, active status, away status, action website application and so on can be captured.  Also, interactive reports which provide a complete view of what exactly the employees do on their desktops along with the web usage reports, attendance tracking, chats recording, screenshots and many more can be deduced.

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