Must Avoid Mistakes When Promoting A Business On Reddit


Reddit is a huge online platform known for its diversity of forum topics and web content. Users from around the globe gather to share their thoughts on the most exciting and sometimes even controversial posts in the internet world. Basically, anything under the sun is discussed on Reddit. It can go from the most random meme posts to topics about professional business promotions and politics. This online platform is a great way to get information and advice from other users, create connections, and find potential clients (for example, by posting paid ad promotions, just like used on other digital advertising platforms such as Ads-Supply, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.).

Promoting a business, company, or products on Reddit’s platform can be highly effective since it’s known for its massive traffic of over 330 million monthly active users. However, there’s also a downside: self-promotion. Self-promotion on the platform can be a bit tricky and could lead you to get shadowbanned. So, to help you be on the safe side here’s a guide on the must-avoid mistakes when promoting a business on Reddit.

  1. Sharing too much content at once.

One thing is for sure – there’s always a subreddit for every topic you can imagine. Hanging out on different subreddits of your preferred niche or industry can get you to engage with the different people, build connections, and get Karma points by contributing unique valuable content. However, don’t overshare material, especially when it’s just too dull or rehashed. Be creative, post original, well-researched, useful content on subreddits about your business, and users will start to take the bait.

  1. Avoid spamming.

One of the most common mistakes you simply must avoid is spamming your business’ link or content on random subreddits. Always make sure to avoid violating the subreddit’s rules or confronting its moderators. Dropping random links about your business’ services or products doesn’t get you to engage with anyone. Instead, people will only shrug it off and not give it a vote. Also, avoid using poorly targeted paid ad campaigns when promoting your business so you won’t be considered as spam, which will probably also lead to a poor conversion rate.

  1. Don’t overdo asking for upvotes.

Making it into the front page can be a great way to promote your business. And what better way in reaching that far than to get a tremendous amount of upvotes on your content, right? Ask friends who also use Reddit or friends that you’ve made on the platform for a support boost on your post, but don’t overdo it. Upvoting rings are discouraged on the platform. This is why you shouldn’t do this on a massive scale. Little by little is the way to go.

  1. Don’t fake it.

You’re finally getting the right amount of engagement and attention from users interested in your business’s services. So, of course, they’d probably want you to start an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) discussion on the post. Don’t fake your response and be truthful to prove the authenticity of your character and business. This form of interaction gives your business an authentic and trustful look that can showcase your company’s genuine values.

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