Do VPNs Help To Protect Businesses From Cyber Theft?


One of today’s problems within most businesses is the lax processes applied to cybersecurity. Most of these businesses are not insured, and so cybertheft could potentially wipe them out. If a company is insured against cyber theft, the chances are the business would have had to prove how secure its network is. This means implementing several security measures such as VPNs that help to prevent cyber thieves. 


  • VPNs On Employee Laptops


Employees that are on the road tend to connect to Wi-Fi routers that are unknown to them. Even when connecting to a hotel Wi-Fi, there is no guarantee that any internet session is safe and secure. This is where VPNs can become extremely useful. 

The company should pay for VPN software to be installed on all employee laptops. Next, the rule should be that all employees connecting to business-sensitive data and emails should always do so via the VPN software’s secure and encrypted tunnels created to connect to a server on the internet that will make all web browsing requests allowing the employee’s laptop to simply pass through the hotel router. 

With this kind of security in place, any data that is snatched from the employee’s session cannot be deciphered simply because of the encryption.


  • VPNs On Work Routers


When companies are unable to afford high end and sophisticated firewall equipment to protect their internal data network, VPN software is always the best solution. It is affordable, and it helps to protect all outgoing data on the router. Much like the hotel router example above, if anyone did manage to get access to the work router, the data capturing tools used by a hacker would come up blank as all the data packets they would snatch would be encrypted by the VPN. 

On the other hand, without the VPN software, cyber thieves would be able to capture the raw data and use the information for personal identity theft as well as for other tactics used by cybercriminals to extort money from businesses. 

Some businesses need to download research papers and there are a lot of sites that allow them to this. Despite the legitimate use of these torrents, many ISPs do not allow them, so the VPN on a work router will help employees bypass these ISP restrictions.


  • VPNs On Work Phones


There are very few companies that use VPNs on their work phones. For the most part, 3G and 4G networks are safe and so there is no need to connect to a Wi-Fi router. That is unless the phone contract does not offer unlimited 3G and 4G access. This is very rare though. 

If staff are going to connect to a Wi-Fi router using their phone, then VPN software may be necessary. This is especially true if the staff member accesses emails and files via their work phone. 

In short, in any situation whereby public networks are accessed by any work device, VPN software is going to be essential to the security of business-critical information. 

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