How to Select the Right Business Phone System

Outsource Virtual Assistants

You have several options when you start considering upgrading your phone system. These include cloud VoIP, on-premises systems, and Analog landlines. Choosing the right system depends on your business needs and requirements. Read on to learn more about different types of phone systems. There are many pros and cons to each option.

Cloud-based systems

Cloud-based business phone systems are becoming more commonplace for many businesses. They offer a variety of features for a company and can scale up to 25,000 users. With these solutions, your entire team can use business phone numbers while keeping their personal numbers private. In addition, you can create notes for each caller so that your team members have the right context to answer customer calls. These systems also allow your team to work from anywhere.

Another advantage of a cloud-based business phone system is that it can easily scale up as your business expands. Because of its scalability, you can add phone lines as needed without worrying about costs. Unlike traditional phone systems, cloud-based business phone systems do not depend on physical sites, which can be affected by power outages or natural disasters. Furthermore, cloud phone systems are more secure than traditional phone lines.

Analog landlines

Analog landlines have been used by many businesses for decades and are inexpensive to purchase. However, they have a few limitations. While they are a simple option, they are not very flexible and are often more expensive to maintain and support. Additionally, they are not very flexible when expanding, and you might need to rewire the punchboard to change an extension.

Landlines are also more traditional than VoIP. While less flexible, landlines require a physical connection to the telephone network, switches, and other hardware. However, VoIP doesn’t require any additional hardware and is more flexible.

Cloud VoIP

Cloud VoIP business phone systems offer all of the features of office-based phones at a fraction of the cost. These phone systems provide HD audio and video, which is an essential benefit for businesses with remote teams. These systems also offer easy user expansion. You can choose from various plans to suit your budget and needs. Yealink VoIP, for example, is a popular cloud VoIP business phone system. 

On-premises systems

On-premises business phone systems offer several advantages. An on-premises system gives you full control over your network and access to an IT team that can handle more complicated issues. An on-premises system also provides you with total responsibility for maintenance and disaster recovery, which is vital if a system crashes.

On-premises systems are highly customizable but require significant time to deploy and configure. Customizations may require additional hardware, which can add to costs. On the other hand, cloud-based systems are cheap, simple to deploy, and configurable. However, because cloud-based systems are centralized, they may be limited in features.

Learn more about business phone systems as you check out MyITHub, a leading IP Telephony and Unified Communication Solutions provider in Australia. Visit their website at to browse through their offered services and products, such as Avaya phones


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