Don’t Make These Common Mistakes When Using a Laser Engraver


When it comes to using a laser cutter, there are more than a few factors to consider. While finding the right one is essential, and reading a Boss laser review can help, there are other things to know, as well. For example, getting to know some of the most common mistakes that are made when using a laser will be helpful. Keep reading to learn what these mistakes are.

Mistake: Inconsistent Glass Engraving

Sometimes, when a laser strikes glass, it can fracture the surface and will not engrave deeply. Or it will remove the material that is needed for a full engraving. The glass surface that is fractured will create a frosted appearance, but it may be chipped or rough based on the type of glass used. Even if the frosted glass is wanted, chipping and a rough surface are undesirable.

To create a smooth and frosted finish, there are a few tips to try. One is to use a lower resolution of just 300 DPI. This is going to provide a much better result on the glass because the dots can be separated as the glass is engraved. Another option is to change the black in the graphic to just 80% black.

Some people have found success running the laser engraver using Jarvis Dithering. This is a type of dithering pattern that can be found in the print driver being used. By using this setting, it is possible to create a smoother finish. In some situations, applying a wet, thin sheet of paper towel or newspaper to the area being engraved will be beneficial for heat dissipation and improve the entire engraving process. The key is to make sure there are no wrinkles present in the paper once it is applied.

Mistake: Wood Engraving Creates Unique Results Using the Same Setting

Wood is considered one of the most laser-friendly materials to use today. This is because it can be cut easily and because it engraves well. However, each wood will have a unique reaction when laser engraved. As a result, unique results are achieved.

For example, with lighter woods, such as maple or cherry, a nice contrast is created where the laser burns into the wood. However, denser woods require much more laser power to engrave or cut.

Another factor that impacts the engraving process is the grain density. Walnut, alder, and cherry have smaller veins in them, while oak has large to medium veins. This means that with cherry, the engraving would be uniform, while oak would have a varied appearance that is not as uniform.

Avoiding Mistakes with a Laser Engraver

When using a laser engraver, there are more than a few factors that must be considered. Keep the tips and information here in mind to ensure that the desired results are achieved. Being informed and knowing what to expect and what to avoid are the two best ways to use a laser engraver and achieve the desired results for a project or job that is being done.

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